Si has pensado en escribir tu libro, entonces tienes algo que contar.

Barker & Jules®, los expertos en escribir libros. Escritores profesionales redactarán tu libro palabra por palabra y tú serás el autor. A esto se le llama “Escritura Fantasma“. Nos encargamos de todo el proceso.

Escribimos y publicamos tu libro en 3 meses.

¿En qué consiste la escritura fantasma?

La escritura fantasma consiste en escribir libros, historias, artículos o textos acreditados a otra persona. Es un servicio muy solicitado entre personas de influencia como empresarios, políticos, deportistas y celebridades.

¿Cómo se escribe mi libro?

Primero comenzamos escribiendo un borrador a partir de audios, videos, entrevistas o cualquier tipo de material que se recolecte. Después, investigamos sobre el tema que quieres exponer para dar forma al texto inicial. A continuación, comenzamos a escribir tu libro. En esta etapa tendrás contacto continuo con tu escritora o escritor y sus directores para revisar avances. Del mismo modo, tendrás enlace con los diseñadores que se harán cargo de tu portada y del diseño de interiores para que ultimes cualquier detalle.

Posteriormente, nuestros abogados se encargan de los trámites legales ante las respectivas instancias e inicia el trámite de registro de ISBN y código de barras. Por último, iniciamos la publicación mundial de tu libro en las librerías digitales más importantes del mundo como Amazon Kindle, Bubok, Casa Del Libro, entre otras.

Las diversas fases hacia la creación de tu libro son las siguientes:

Tu nombre queda como autor de la obra para siempre. Además, te ayudamos a publicarlo en las librerías digitales más importantes del mundo. Barker & Jules® sólo se encarga del proceso y diseño de tu libro. Tú decides si quieres que nuestro sello editorial permanezca o no.

¡Solicita tu cotización, ya!


Lunes - Viernes

08:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Become a published author!

✔️Check off one more item from your bucket list!

If you have thought about ghostwriters for your book, then you have something to tell. Barker & Jules® are professional writers who will make your book from scratch and you will be the author. This is called ghostwriting. We take care of the whole process.

Check out the worry-free ghostwriting pack that best suits your needs!

What is ghostwriting?

Ghostwriting consists of writing any type of books, stories, articles or texts credited to another person. It is a very demanded service among influential people such as businessmen, politicians, athletes, celebrities and influencers who do not have the time or the proper skills to write their own book.

How is my book written?

First, we interview you and you tell us your story. Then, one of our ghostwriters starts writing a draft. After that, we investigate the topic you want to expose to shape the initial content. Next, we begin to write your book. In this stage you will have continuous contact with your ghostwriter and their superiors to review progress. Subsequently, you will be in contact with the graphic designers who will create your cover, back cover and interior layout from your ideas.

Later, our legal team will take care of the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and barcode registration process. This unique number goes at the back of your book so you can sell it all over the world. Finally, your book is published worldwide in the most important eBook stores such as Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Bubok, among others.

The different phases of the process :


Your name remains as the author forever. You decide if you want Barker & Jules® to be your editorial stamp or not.

What type of book can you write for me?

Our ghostwriters can make any kind of book you want, such as:

  • FICTION (drama, horror, romance, fairytale, satire, fantasy, among others.)
  • NON-FICTION (autobiography, memoirs, education, cookbooks, sports, hobbies, among others.)

Prices and payment methods.

Our ‘Ghostwriting Package’ prices varies depending on different factors. First, the type of writing and style you want. Second, the number of pages you want your book to have. Finally, if you want your book to be illustrated or not, as well as other details. However, we have created 3 different ‘ghostwriting packages’ that suit most of our clients. Please, ask for them filling the contact form below so you receive them in your email. Also, if you want a custom quote please fill out the form below with all the details of your book on the ‘additional comments section’ so one of our sales representatives can get in touch with you.

Open Time

Monday - Friday

08:00 AM - 5:00 PM


Las Vegas

3776 Howard Hughes Pkwy,
Las Vegas,
NV 89169

Los Angeles

500 Broadway Santa Mónica,
CA 90401




Rodolfo Sanchez Taboada 10488,
Piso 8, Rio Tijuana, Baja California,
C.P. 22010